The Enabling Festival was held on 5-7 October 2018 to enable people living with dementia to live life with dignity.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called dementia a “looming epidemic in Asia.” A lack of awareness of dementia results in stigmatisation and barriers to diagnosis and care, with physical, psychological, social and economic impacts on people with dementia, caregivers, families and societies.

With a total number of visitors exceeding expectations at about 7,000, the three-day community festival was a kaleidoscope of multi-disciplinary activities involving visual art, music, design, theatre, film, dance, and photography, with medical forums, hands-on workshops, a simulation walk through the Enabling Room and a Designathon. The Enabling Festival was made possible with the support of the Central Singapore Community Development Council’s Do-Good-Fund, DesignSingapore Council, Our SG Fund and the venue host National Design Centre.

This health issue of dementia is close to the heart of The Enabling Festival founders Daniel Lim and Danny Raven Tan, whose parents are suffering from the illness. Starting this initiative from the ground up, they aim to help spread awareness to enable the public with information regarding dementia in order to build a dementia-friendly community and make dementia a distant memory.

Thank you for believing in this cause and for making this possible. To the caregivers and their loved ones with dementia who turned up to support the festival, this festival is for you! We do the best we can for as long as we can for the ones we love so dearly, so that when we are old, these are the memories we will cherish like gold!

Thank you and see you at the Enabling Festival 2019.

Watch shout videos from like minded people, friends, artists, both from Singapore and overseas, lending their support for The Enabling Festival 2018.

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